September 2024:

I've added a new gallery to the photography page. Wrote a script to create galleries for me so I'll start uploading stuff here that I don't want to upload to Cara. More info in the blog post for 09/08/2024.
August 2024:

Getting the site up finally. Launching with a homepage, aboutme, blog, photography, and this page. Couple of blinkies just to have them, but the site isn't quite jank enough yet. I need some silly gifs.

August 2024 pt2:
I've written a quick and dirty blog display in javascript that pulls from a .json file. I wrote a quick python script that takes and input file and adds it to that json file with a timestamp while retaining html tags. Essentially, I don't have to hand update the page anymore and it gives me a good base to work with for a future news page.